Macular Degeneration
Your vision can still be preserved.
Preventing vision loss & improving sight.
Although there is no cure for macular degeneration (also known as age-related macular degeneration or AMD), we can help patients find relief with treatments that postpone its advancement or even improve sight with certain therapies.
Our Macular Degeneration Team
What is Macular Degeneration?
The macula, an area located on the retina, is associated with clear and central vision. Activities like driving and reading require a working macula. With age, the macula can begin to deteriorate—resulting in loss of central vision.
SLIDE the handle to the left and right to see how macular degeneration affects central vision.

SLIDE the handle to the left and right to see how macular degeneration affects central vision..
The exact cause of AMD is unknown, but is usually brought on by old age—generally over 60 years old. Certain things can increase the risk of AMD including: smoking, high-blood pressure, obesity, lack of exercise, and diet.
During a routine eye-exam, your provider will perform several tests that look for sings of blurry or blank spots in your vision. Your eye will also be examined using a special lens that can detect changes in the macula or retina. Depending on the results of these tests, further examination may include injecting a special dye that can show abnormal vessels within the retina.
Dry AMD is the more common, less serious form of age-related macular degeneration. With age, parts of the macula become thinner and small clumps of protein begin to grow. Overtime this leads to loss of central vision. Wet AMD is less common and is caused by abnormal blood vessels growing under the retina. The vessels can often leak which causes scarring of the macula. This form is treatable but must be diagnosed early.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for AMD. Depending on the type of AMD (dry or wet) we can provide supplements and medications that may provide some relief for vision loss. In some cases of wet AMD, laser surgery may be able reduce the number of abnormal blood vessels which can lead to improved vision.
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